Zealand's First Trip Around the Sun!

We have some SERIOUS cuteness to share today-- sweet baby Zealand LOVED his cake smash session!

Zealand's mom was FABULOUS to work with. She sent me some inspiration photos- screen shots from things I have done in the past that she found on my website, and also some ideas that she found online from other photographers. It was SO HELPFUL to see those ideas, so I had a really solid idea of what direction to go in when I was designing Zealand's session.

Mama also came in a few days before the session for a dress fitting. We tried a few things on both her and on Zealand, so we both had ideas about what was going to look best the day of his session. Since cake smash sessions can be a bit overwhelming for little ones, it was SO NICE to have that out of the way. I think it also makes session day a little easier on both mama and baby, since you know exactly where you're going, where to park, what door to use, what to expect, etc. Also baby and I get to meet, which helps baby feel a little more at ease on their session day. I know it won't work for every family to come in for a consult / fitting before their session, but I love to offer the option.

Is he not the cutest little thing you ever did see? He's smiling at his mama in this photo.

And a serious look. Mom picked out this cable knit oatmeal romper from Client Closet- it's available to use for any session. Fits 12-24 months best.

Smiles with mom. Zealand LOVES grabbing his mamas hair- his hand is moving so fast it's just a little blur! He thought he was HILARIOUS.

a quiet snuggle with mama

Dad hopped in for one. He wasn't really planning to, but I think Mama had stepped away for a minute and Dad was being so sweet with Zealand. This is a very real danger when you're with me-- if you're being too adorable, I reserve the right to strong arm you into some photos! I love the contrast of Mom's hair & Dad's sleeve against all the light colors. Gives the photo a little pop!

TEEFERS!!!! Look at those two little bottom teeth poking through. I think I said something, like, "look at those teefers!" and Zealand put his hand right in his mouth- he knew what I was talking about. "Yeah lady, these teefers are GREAT!"

A mother and her first-born son, a love story.

Happy baby, proud parents. Lots of love all snuggled up together.

Mom had sent some photos of babies with the wooden high chair and wooden cake in her inspiration photos, so we made sure to capture them during Zealand's session.

Such a happy baby! He was so easy going the whole session. And look at those cute little piggy toes!

We tried to set baby up with the O-N-E letters, but Zealand is one curious little guy. I love how he's exploring the letters. You can tell in the second photo-- Mom and dad are telling him to put the letters down and Z's just like, "WHYYYYY?"

These are definitely my favorite portraits. We ended up getting the ONE letters set up and baby Z distracted. I'm pretty sure he's looking up at his Daddy in the crawling photo . I love how his face is half light, half shadow there-- I don't typcally love a lot of contrast, but I think it works really well here to highlight all his cute little features. And the little hand on the ground. UGH GOSH I LOVE BABIES SO MUCH!!!

We headed into the cake smash portion of the session next. Our inspiration was "Out of this World" slash "First Trip Around the Sun." Zealand made the cutest little astronaut and did so well with his cake. He was a classic first baby (not much prior exposure to sugar / frosting, unlike second and third babies who will often get ahold of older sibling treat foods) so he wasn't quuuiiiiiite sure what to make of it, but he had a great time exploring with all his senses-- especially touch.!

He tried to put his foot in it at one point. Frosting on baby toes has got to be one of the top five sweetest things on planet earth.

After Zealand had had enough cake, it was time for his tubby. Sweet soft baby skin and warm bubbly water. The best.

Laughing at mom and dad. Such a happy little guy.

I just got those little toy macrons- I have a whole rainbow but just put out the "boy" colors for now. They photographed so pretty and the contrast of the blue faux cookies with the bright yellow rubber ducky is sweet.

Another look in the tub, with softer colors and the little wooden cake.

Daddy pulled Zealand out of the tub, and baby just looked so snuggly and safe in his father's arms.

Baby boy in his birthday crown. Mama is saving this for his party, which will also be galaxy-themed, so we didn't want it to get ruined during his cake smash, but we worked it in afterwards.

Finishing up in a grey cable knit romper. Zealand loved pretending to drink from this silver baby cup while seated in a white high chair. Zealand loved tossing this silver cup off his high chair and Mama was picking it up for him. He thought it was such a funny game. I love how *anything* can be fun to a baby when they have loving parents to make it into a game.

Zealand, thank you for coming to visit me. I loved celebrating your birthday with you!

